Someone told me the other day that as we get older, time actually does start moving quicker. I'm not sure how much scientific evidence there is to support that claim, but personally, I FEEL it; the older I get, the more life seems to feel like it's slipping between my fingers.

Balancing a social life, career, and fitness goals is no easy feat, and I am not a stranger to the odd bit of burnout. Recently, I've been focusing on leveling up my daily routine as a way of supporting my busy lifestyle, but, to my surprise, I found that I had been overlooking a key factor in my success. When it comes to leveling up your fitness goals, staying focused, and generally feeling sharper, there is a simple, but often neglected element that can have a huge impact: Hydration.

Hydration, water with lemon

Hydrate or Diedrate

'Drink more water' often feels like the advice given to cure pretty much anything, and in general, I'm very consistent with staying on top of my water consumption, but what I hadn't realized is that water alone is not enough. If you're looking to rehydrate, it's not just about taking in enough fluid. Electrolytes matter too.

Electrolytes are electrically charged minerals that are essential for performing important tasks in your body; they can dramatically affect things like muscle contraction and relaxation and help regulate the movement of nutrients and waste in and out of your cells. When you sweat, you lose electrolytes, and no matter how much water you drink, if you are not staying on top of replenishing them, you can start to lose energy, develop brain fog, and your general performance is out the window.

The new kid on the block

The good news is, electrolytes are not hard to come by these days, and in a world of various supplements, electrolyte packets are having their moment. For something to stick in my daily routine, it needs to be quick, easy, and effective. I was introduced to a new brand by my friend who swears by these colorful little sachets made by Hytes.

Hytes is a specialized electrolytes formula for high achievers, boosting physical and mental performance. Their products have been developed by athletes and entrepreneurs who understand the connection between fueling your body and igniting your mind. These premium, easy-to-use products are made with a science-backed formula to help support you in your journey to success.

What’s in it?

I'm no scientist, and as someone who is new to these powerful powders, I had a lot of questions about what they actually contained. Sodium is the key element, and one that most people are low on, followed by potassium. These minerals help regulate fluid balance and nerve function. Other electrolytes like calcium, magnesium, and chloride are also included to help strengthen immunity, support muscle recovery, and elevate your mood. There are a lot of electrolyte products on the market that look good on the surface, but when you start reading the ingredients, you are suddenly faced with a load of additives and unnecessary sugar. Here's a few reasons why Hytes is a cut above the rest:

All-natural ingredients: Hytes products use only natural ingredients and are non-GMO, gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free AND plant-based so you can be confident you are getting the energy you need without consuming any of the bad stuff.

Dissolves quickly: seriously, this powder disappears faster than an introvert at a nightclub; all you do is dissolve it in water and drink. The easy-to-use sachets were perfect for popping in my bag and having on-the-go during a busy day.

Good for the gut: A huge plus for me, as someone who struggles with a sensitive stomach, is how gentle the formula is on the digestive system. I had no issues with adding this into my diet.

Variety of flavors: Often electrolyte drinks can taste like badly diluted orange juice; Hytes comes in a variety of flavours to choose from so you can pick one to suit your taste buds.

Worth the hype?

Hytes is a small morning habit with amazing effects throughout each day. After just a few days of taking Hytes, I noticed a significant difference in my energy levels and from the gym to work life, my performance across the board has seen a significant uplift. I love kicking off my day with a burst of energy which leaves me feeling excited to get moving with the day ahead. So, If you're looking for the secret ingredient to take you to the next level, Hytes is a must-have for your daily routine.