Get ready to embark on a deep dive into the dynamic world of our generation's unique financial mindset. We've got some eye-opening insights for you, fresh from the latest Harris Poll 📊

Imagine this: we're at the forefront of a transformative era, and our approach to money is blazing its own trail, unlike anything previous generations have witnessed!

1. Financial Independence: Our True North

First and foremost, let's chat about financial independence – something that makes us Gen Zers shine! Did you know that a whopping 75% of us believe that achieving financial independence is a major life goal? It's a game-changer, giving us the power to shape our destinies! But here's a twist: we're not just aiming for it; we're making it happen.

2. Side Hustles: Our Hustle Game is Strong

Now, let's talk side hustles because we're all about that extra cash flow!  A striking 68% of us are diving headfirst into the world of side gigs. Whether it's selling handcrafted jewellery on Etsy, becoming social media influencers, or launching our own online businesses, we're all about diversifying and experimenting with our income streams. We're redefining what it means to hustle, hardcore style!

3. Saving with Purpose

Now, let's talk about savings.  Our generation isn't just splurging; we're diligently saving up for our dreams. With 61% of us putting money aside for future goals, we're proving that we're not just financially aware, but we're also strategic planners. From that dream vacation to investing in our passions, we're making informed choices about our financial futures. Talk about being money-smart!

4. Eco-conscious Spending

Here's a fantastic twist: 54% of us are willing to invest more in products and services from companies that prioritise environmental sustainability. It's not just about personal growth; it's also about our commitment to the planet. We're conscientious consumers who want our spending habits to reflect our values. By making eco-friendly choices, we're shaping a greener future for all.

5. The Digital Banking Revolution

Traditional banks are so last season!  Around 49% of us prefer managing our finances through digital banking apps. Why? Because it's all about convenience and staying connected in the digital age. Plus, it saves us those tedious trips to the bank! With just a few taps on our smartphones, we can effortlessly handle our finances and stay in control.

6. Shattering Stereotypes

Lastly, we're all about breaking stereotypes. Gen Z  are challenging traditional gender roles and pushing for financial equality. It's all about levelling the playing field and creating a brighter future for everyone.


As Gen Z, we are a generation driven by ambition, innovation, and a profound commitment to shaping our financial destinies. We've learned that financial independence isn't just a goal; it's a lifestyle we're actively cultivating. Our hustle game is unmatched, and our strategic approach to saving is setting the stage for a brighter future. We're not just consumers; we're conscious spenders, supporting businesses that align with our values.

Furthermore, we're revolutionising the way we interact with our money, bidding farewell to traditional banking in favour of the convenience and connectivity of digital banking apps. And let's not forget our mission to break down stereotypes and pave the way for financial equality for all.

So, to all the Gen Zers out there, keep rocking that financial freedom, and together, we'll continue changing the financial game, one smart choice at a time. Our financial journey is an empowering adventure, and with our determination and forward-thinking mindset, the sky's the limit! 🚀💸💪