Over the years, I’ve experimented with many different styles and had some pretty interesting looks. Unfortunately, a lot of my self-expression has been taken out on my hair. Much to my hairdresser's dismay, I’ve put my hair through a lot of at home treatments from box bleach, abrasive toners, to colourful hair dyes. The good thing about hair is, it will grow back, but the same cannot be said for our teeth.

There are two things that have held me back from achieving my perfect smile when it comes to teeth:

  1. My deep fear of the dentist - I go for regular checkups to prevent any nasty surprises, so when I make my visits, I want to be in the chair for as little time and with as little prodding as possible.
  2. Fear of the unknown - there are a lot of teeth whitening products out there, but a lot of them run the risk of long-term damage, which would involve more trips to the dentist! You can see the vicious cycle here.

Our teeth are for life, and so, although the promise of a gorgeous, glowing smile was an attractive one, I want my teeth to carry me through to my elder years, so, unlike my flippant approach to hair coloring, this time I was proceeding with caution.

The problem was, I wanted to try a non-abrasive route, but I also wanted guaranteed results, and I’ll be honest; I didn’t know if I could trust the natural products to deliver. After extensive research, I came across Gleam Whitening, and it felt like I had found the perfect solution.

Gleam is an at-home teeth whitening solution that is changing the future of teeth whitening. They offer scientifically proven teeth whitening products that have been researched and developed to create products that can offer instant results without any sensitivity. Here are all the reasons why Gleam is the best teeth whitening product on the market right now:

3 Simple Ingredients

When it comes to oral care, the industry is pretty far behind when it comes to innovation, and a lot of the products out there are still using ingredients that are damaging to your teeth. Gleam has a zero sensitivity promise and uses 3 core ingredients that are gentle to your teeth without losing any effectiveness:

Phythalimido - Peroxy - Caproic Acid is the primary whitening ingredient used. It’s a non-invasive teeth whitening agent, which has a strong whitening effect without causing any damage to the enamel.

Gleam uses this ingredient to replace hydrogen peroxide (used in most other teeth whitening products) which can cause irreversible damage to your enamel.

Hydroxyapatite - this is actually one of the components that makes up your tooth enamel and is what gives your teeth their hard and strong quality. Gleam has been very clever and uses hydroxyapatite in their formula which not only prevents demineralization but also helps to reduce plaque, bacteria, and tooth sensitivity. It’s a win, win.

Potassium Nitrate - just when you thought your teeth couldn’t be any safer, the final ingredient in their formula prevents tooth sensitivity while also having a teeth whitening effect. The potassium nitrate travels through the tooth dentin and enamel into the pulp chamber. Sounds very technical, but essentially, it calms the nerves and decreases the dental fibers depolarizing.

This simple 3-ingredient approach comes together to oxidize stains and alter the molecules that are responsible for holding color. Once broken down, the smaller molecules come lighter in color, resulting in an overall whiter appearance of the tooth.

Zero Sensitivity and Cruelty-Free

Our mouths are one of the most diverse microbiomes in our bodies, filled with a wide range of very important bacteria. Using the wrong products on your teeth can not only cause long-term damage to your enamel but it can also cause an out-of-balance oral microbiome which can lead to inflammation and gum disease.

The amazing thing about Gleam is they use ingredients that protect your mouth from sensitivity while also encouraging good bacteria to thrive, promoting long-term oral health. Harsh ingredients like peroxide can wipe out the good bacteria in our microbiomes, so it’s really important to keep the bacteria in your mouth balanced by using the right products, with the right ingredients. Gleam has got their formula nailed to set you up for oral hygiene success.

Plus, all their ingredients are vegan and cruelty-free.

Easy, Fast Results

Gleam has a whole range of products to suit your different needs (they even have a specific bundle for coffee lovers).

If you’re looking for the perfect teeth whitening introduction, like me, then the Teeth Whitening Starter bundle is your new best friend. The pack comes with a pack of the Gleam teeth whitening strips which give results in just 30 minutes, paired with a bottle of the Gleam shade-correcting serum. These two products used together are the perfect, convenient and mess-free way to guarantee whiter teeth.

The results speak for themselves, and you only have to go on the Gleam website to see the hundreds of before and after photos from happy customers, some of them seeing results in under a week. In fact, Gleam is so confident in their approach that they offer a 30-day money-back guarantee on their whitening strips!

So, take it from me, you should definitely leave bleaching your hair to the professionals. But if you’re after a safe, effective, and convenient way to a whiter smile that your dentist would be proud of, then Gleam is the product you need to be using. They are offering a huge Black Friday discount, so it’s the perfect time to give their products a try and get the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

We reached out to Gleam and tried to get a discount code for our readers, and we were able to get 10% off your first purchase, using the code FILTERLESS10, or click here to go to their site.